Bio & Press Release



Meet Isabella, a seventeen-year-old creative wunderkind who has taken the world by storm! An adept writer, illustrator, and imaginative storyteller, Isabella’s passion for dogs runs deep, often finding expression in her illustrations of furry friends and her fascination with the enchanting realm of wolves. Isabella’s writing journey commenced at a tender age of ten when she authored her inaugural chapter book series, Catholic Puppies, showcasing undeniable talent that propelled her towards greater horizons. From a simple seventh-grade short story assignment emerged the spark for her first picture book, A Pawsome Nativity Story, a heartwarming tale of a mouse, a dog, and their adventures alongside the Holy Family, captivating readers of all generations. Isabella has shared her creative odyssey through interviews on local Catholic radio and features in The Catholic Sun, encouraging others to dream big with the assurance that God is their biggest cheerleader.

With seven years of experience in writing and illustration, Isabella’s forthcoming masterpiece, polished over two years, is poised to grace the shelves soon. Overflowing with eagerness, she anticipates unveiling her heart’s work to the world, an endeavor that might just be her most remarkable yet. Beyond her creative endeavors, Isabella enjoys animating on her iPad, crafting videos, playing volleyball, and serving as an altar server in her church, all while cherishing moments of laughter with her siblings and friends, brimming with excitement for the journey ahead.


Press Release

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Isabella is excited about the opportunity to join your school or church and inspire young writers.


Isabella’s journey as an author, intertwined with her devotion to God and her boundless creativity, has been showcased in both The Catholic Sun and The Bishop’s Hour podcast.

She joyfully spreads her enthusiasm for writing, her purpose of motivating fellow young writers to embrace their imaginative pursuits, and above all, her profound affection for Christ and His Church.